New York City Personal Injury Blog

Xarelto-Defective Drugs Lawsuits

Thousands of lawsuits are now being filed against the manufacturers of the blood thinner, Xarelto. These claims include that patients of Xarelto, have suffered serious injuries and even death as a product of taking the anti-coagulant drug. Specifically, they allege that the side effects of Xarelto include excessive and most importantly, uncontrollable bleeding which they… read more

Car companies volunteer to make smart brakes standard

Brakes are among the most under-appreciated parts of any car. Advertisements and movies always focus on the acceleration and torque, not on the brakes. Luckily, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration does not neglect brakes in the same way that pop culture does. NHTSA announced a new voluntary initiative to make “smart brakes” on cars… read more

Texting is not the only distraction for drivers

Distractions encompass more than texting or calling. A driver is distracted every time his or her eyes are taken off the road to change the station, “like” a song on Pandora or Spotify or even turn their head during a conversation. Unfortunately, the number of these distractions is set to skyrocket as cars become connected to the… read more

The dangers of driving while under the influence of drugs

People generally do not associate driving while taking drugs as the same caliber of illegal as drunk driving. It most assuredly is very illegal. Drugged driving does not benefit from the clear instructions for drunk driving, specifically the 0.08 blood alcohol test ? but that does not make it any less dangerous. Driving while under… read more

What defenses might doctors use in malpractice cases? Pt. 1

As discussed in a prior article, hospitals and doctors enjoy certain defenses in medical malpractice lawsuits. Most of these defenses center on the nature of medical malpractice cases. This article will continue that discussion on the remaining major defenses. Some states have “Good Samaritan” laws. These laws basically shield individuals from liability when they try… read more

Some safe driving tips from a trucking organization

The American Trucking Association (or “ATA”) put out some guidelines for drivers interacting with trucks. Trucks are an altogether different beast and, unless you were a former trucker, you probably do not appreciate how dangerous they are. Sure, it is easy to note the size and loudness of the trucks but it is hard to… read more

Xarelto-Defective Drugs

The defective drug, Xarelto, a blood thinner and anticoagulant drug manufactured to treat and prevent blood clots is now the source of thousands of lawsuits commenced against the drug’s developers, Johnson & Johnson and Bayer.  The US Food and Drug Administration approved Xarelto as a treatment for deep vein thrombosis, atrial fibrillation, and pulmonary embolism as well… read more

Doctor settles multi-million dollar medical malpractice suit

A young boy suffered significant brain injuries and cerebral palsy in Chicago after several experimental surgeries failed. His family sued the doctor and the accompanying hospital for several million dollars. Their case settled just last week for 30 million dollars. According to a press release from the Rush University Medical Center, the case was settled… read more

You can hold parent’s liable for the actions of their children

The general rule is no, your children are people and are held to their own standards. Though this is the general rule, there are exceptions. This article will explore those exceptions and how you can hold their parents accountable for their actions. For example if a child hits you with a boat and causes a… read more

A no-fault insurance system for medical malpractice claims?

No-fault insurance, as it is for cars and worker’s compensation, basically means that there is no investigation or trial to determine who was at fault for the accident or injury. Everyone is covered by their insurance carrier and they recover against their insurance carrier. It is good for companies (or hospitals and doctors) because it… read more