Traumatic brain injuries were the buzzword for all manner of neurological injuries associated with football, soccer, and cheerleading. But one sport went largely under the radar regarding traumatic brain injury investigations ? wrestling. More than 50 former wrestlers sued the WWE arguing that the WWE knew about the potential for brain injury and withheld information that could have mitigated or prevented their injuries.

The WWE counters that the same law firm that sued the WWE before and failed brought this lawsuit. The WWE further argues that the lawsuit is patently false and that they will seek a dismissal.

The law firm did file a previous suit that was substantially similar to this one. When the judge dismissed the prior suit, he allowed a narrow opening for future litigation if the plaintiffs allege that they suffered injuries due to the WWE’s actions or inactions. The current lawsuit is centered on that language.

The wrestlers also argue that the WWE improperly classified them as independent contractors rather than employees. The independent contractor status allowed the WWE to avoid providing medical benefits/protections to the wrestlers.

This stage in the litigation is too early to tell how it will be resolved however this lawsuit does have some serious implications. It is possible that if the WWE can be held accountable that other sports organizations may be responsible for long-term injuries suffered by their wrestlers.

If you suffered a traumatic brain injury then you may want to speak to an attorney. It is possible that you will require long-term medical care. Most public and private programs do not offer sufficient coverage to provide all of the necessary care that you will need from surgeries and medications to physical therapy and home health assistance. An attorney can help you recover the compensation that you deserve. You shouldn’t be forced to pay for your medical expenses if you were the victim.

Source: The Verge, “Former wrestlers sue WWE over brain injuries,” Jacob Kastrenakes, July 18, 2016

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