Losing a loved one is never an easy experience to go through, but when her or his death occurs as a result of another’s negligence, it can be an even more difficult burden. Everyone makes mistakes, but when those mistakes cost lives, it is a serious matter. Cases of wrongful death do not end with the victims because their families must live with the consequences. In New York, one family has revived its suit against a doctor who they believe had some responsibility for the death of one of his patients in 2006.

The doctor was cleared, along with St. Elizabeth Medical Center and another doctor. However, the family of the deceased patient feels strongly that the victim was inadequately examined by the doctor. They have also suggested that the New York Supreme Court justice involved at the time should not have been on the case. It has been alleged that she was on familiar terms with the doctor and did not fully investigate potential evidence.

Last year, the accused doctor lost a separate medical malpractice case concerning a stroke patient from 2007. Currently, he is serving a 60 month probation due to a DUI conviction, and he is working at Rome Memorial Hospital as an emergency doctor. Officials at the hospital speak well of the doctor’s ability and demeanor. However, the terms of his probation require him to be supervised and randomly tested for drugs and alcohol.

The family of the man who died in 2006 recently presented their case to the state Appellate Division located in Rochester. They are seeking a new trial that will be presided over by a new judge. Whether they will succeed remains to be seen.

The case against this doctor is not an anomaly. New York’s Board for Professional Medical Conduct sees a vast quantity of complaints regarding professionals. Over three years ago the total was more than 8,500, with many ultimately resulting in license revocation. The events that surround these license revocations may have led to medical malpractice or wrongful death lawsuits as well.

If someone you love has died as a result of negligence or malpractice, it may be difficult to judge where to turn, but you do not need to cope alone. An experienced attorney can help you seek justice and compensation for your loss.

Source: Utica Observer-Dispatch, “Doctor’s wrongful death case returns to court,” Rocco LaDuca, April 8, 2014

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