Craig Rosenbaum | March 27, 2014 | Brain Injury
Experiencing any form of head trauma can have lasting effects on an individual and on his or her loved ones. Brain damage can leave victims with reduced mobility, amnesia or even in a comatose state. Many people find their lives and even their relationships with their families permanently changed by their accidents.
To raise awareness of the gravity of a brain injury, a march took place this month in New York. The statewide March On for Brain Injury walk, which took place in Poughkeepsie March 22, was organized by the Brain Injury Association of New York State.
The president of this association is well aware of the potential implications of brain injuries. She suffered one herself in a car accident 14 years ago, which also claimed the life of her fiancé. As a result, she is eager to challenge common misconceptions about brain injuries. The accident caused her injury years ago, but she wants the public to understand that a brain injury is a life-long condition, not just as a single medical event.
Another brain injury victim who now works to raise awareness is a 35-year-old woman, whose injury six years ago left her unconscious for six weeks. She is now the co-author of a book describing the effect of her accident on her life. These two women, like so many others, have experienced firsthand the life-changing repercussions these injuries can have. Through their efforts, they hope to improve and increase the community’s knowledge of these injuries.
Every day, 400 New Yorkers fall victim to brain injuries. This is an alarming number and one that should not be ignored. If you or a loved one becomes one of those accident victims, a personal injury lawyer who has experience with catastrophic injury cases is an invaluable source of guidance toward securing justice and compensation.
Source: Metro, “Surviving and thriving after a brain injury,” Meredith Engel, March 18, 2014
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(212) 514-5007