The loss of a loved one is always challenging. For friends and family of the deceased, the loss may be even more difficult if the death was caused by the acts of another person. In New York, a family who believe their loved one was wrongfully killed has planned a march and press conference in memory of the deceased.

According to reports, an officer responding to a medical alert shot a man who accidentally set off the alert. Police say that when police arrived at the man’s apartment, the man refused to open the door. After resisting the officers’ repeated efforts to open the door, the officers forced the door open and found the man wielding a knife. An officer shot the man. The man’s family filed a wrongful death suit against the city of White Plains, New York.

In order to find a sense of closure, family members of a person killed in a situation like this one may seek guidance and support for the unexpected financial bills with the help of a personal injury attorney. In a wrongful death lawsuit, loved ones of a person killed as a result of another’s negligence or intentional acts may seek damages.

The plaintiffs in a wrongful death action, who are typically the deceased’s immediate family members including spouses, children or parents, must prove the death resulted from another individual’s, company’s or entity’s negligence or intentional acts. The plaintiffs must also show they are suffering monetary losses as a result of the death. In some states, a personal representative of the decedent’s estate must also be appointed.

Losing a member of the family may be one of the toughest times in a person’s life. However, seeking help for the grief and unexpected financial consequences may provide a sense of closure for the loved ones of the deceased.

Source: The Daily Voice, “March To Honor Chamberlain A Year After Fatal Shooting,” Brian Donnelly, Nov. 13, 2012

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If you’ve been injured in an accident in Manhattan, NY and need legal help, contact our New York City wrongful death lawyers at Rosenbaum Personal Injury Lawyers to schedule a free consultation.

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