New York City Welding Accident Lawyer

New York City Welding Accident Lawyer

Welding is among the most dangerous jobs in the construction industry. If you were hurt in a welding accident, an experienced NYC welding accident lawyer at Rosenbaum Personal Injury Lawyers can help you learn more about your right to fair financial compensation. We offer a free consultation so that you can learn more about how an experienced NYC personal injury lawyer can help.

If you were hurt in a construction accident, don’t hesitate to call our law office for help today.

Rosenbaum Personal Injury Lawyers Will Fight For You After a Welding Accident in New York

Rosenbaum Personal Injury Lawyers Will Fight For You After a Welding Accident in New York

You don’t need anyone to explain the dangers of welding if you work in the industry. Welders are exposed to extreme heat and bright lights on a daily basis. If you’re hurt on the job, you could be facing a long road to recovery.

Your bills might quickly become overwhelming while you’re out of work recovering.

Our experienced NYC personal injury attorneys can fight to get the full compensation you’re entitled to receive. We’ll work to make sure you receive fair workers’ compensation. If a negligent contractor, property owner, or engineer caused your accident, you could be entitled to pursue additional compensation in a third-party claim.

Recovering from an injury is complicated enough. Our lawyers work to make the legal process as simple as possible for you. When you hire us, our team will handle every aspect of your case, including by:

  • Making sure your workers’ compensation claim is submitted in a complete and timely manner
  • Defending your rights if the insurance company or your employer challenges your right to benefits
  • Investigating to get evidence about what caused your welding accident
  • Identifying all potentially responsible parties to hold each of them financially responsible
  • Helping with issues that arise while you recover
  • Negotiating with the insurance company to make sure you get the most compensation possible

Every welding accident case is unique. The information on this site is for general informational purposes only. It doesn’t constitute an attorney-client relationship. When you hire us, we’ll get to know your individual case or situation to build the strongest injury claim possible.

To get legal advice, it’s important to take action. Our lawyers put in the time and work necessary to see the big picture. We’ll help you explore every option for getting the fair compensation you deserve if you were injured in a welding accident.

Common Causes of New York City Welding Accidents 

Welding is one of the most dangerous occupations in NYC. Because of this, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) imposes strict rules to keep welders safe. OSHA regulations are designed to prevent accidents. When companies cut corners, worker safety is jeopardized.

OSHA safety standards provide guidelines about maintaining a safe work environment. The safety regulations require:

  • Protective masks and lenses designed to prevent eye injury
  • Safety shoes
  • Fire prevention techniques
  • Proper room ventilation 
  • Floors and walls in the room where welding takes place
  • Mandatory inspections

Welding accidents can also happen because a contractor failed to provide proper training or supervision for workers. The risk of scaffolding accidents is also high for welders who work from heights.

Arc welders face a particularly high risk of electric shock. Failure to properly waterproof surfaces in the work area greatly increases the chances of injury.

How Can I Get Compensation if I Was Hurt in a Welding Accident?

If you were hurt in a welding accident, you have two primary options for recovering compensation. Employees have the right to workers’ compensation benefits if they were hurt in a workplace accident. Even if you receive workers’ compensation, you may also have the right to sue a negligent third party for additional damages.

Workers’ Compensation

New York workers’ compensation is a no-fault system. That means you can get benefits to cover your medical bills and part of your lost wages without proving that someone else caused your accident. If your injuries are permanent, permanent disability benefits are also available.

All New York construction employers have to carry workers’ compensation if they have even a single employee. Non-construction employers are required to pay into workers’ compensation if they have at least four employees.

Workers’ compensation only covers about ⅔ of your average weekly wages prior to the accident. The law also puts a cap on the level of cash benefits available each week. If you were hurt on a construction site or workplace, it’s always a good idea to discuss your case with an experienced lawyer. At Rosenbaum Personal Injury Lawyers, our lawyers can fight to get the full amount of benefits you deserve.

Third-Party Personal Injury Lawsuit

Third-Party Personal Injury Lawsuit

If you’re hurt on the job, you give up the right to sue your employer for damages. You don’t lose your right to sue others who caused your accident. This type of lawsuit is called a third-party claim.

If you were hurt in a welding accident, you might be entitled to file a lawsuit to get money for:

To win a settlement or verdict in a personal injury lawsuit, it’s necessary to show that someone else was negligent. Our lawyers will carefully investigate to identify the cause of your accident. We might be able to hold any of the following parties responsible:

  • General contractors
  • Subcontractors
  • Manufacturers of defective welding equipment
  • Property owners
  • Engineers
  • Third-party vendors

We’ll look into the facts to find every option for getting a full financial recovery. To learn more about your options, call our law offices for a free consultation today.

Welding Accidents Can Cause Serious Injuries

If you work in welding, you run the risk of suffering a serious, potentially permanent injury. Common injuries that can result from welding accidents include:

Welding Accidents Can Cause Serious Injuries

If you were hurt in a welding accident, speak with an experienced personal injury attorney as soon as you can. Your consultation is always free, so you don’t risk anything by taking action.

We’re here to help with your workers’ compensation claim and to make the entire process as stress-free as possible.

What Should I Do if I Was Hurt in a Welding Accident in NYC?

The most important thing you can do is seek treatment as soon as possible. If it’s an emergency, call for help. While workers’ compensation generally requires you to see their approved doctors, you can see any doctor in an emergency.

You should also:

  • Tell the doctor that your injury happened at work
  • Notify your supervisor and employer in writing as soon as possible
  • Follow all doctor’s orders regarding treatment
  • Speak with an experienced personal injury lawyer 

At Rosenbaum Personal Injury Lawyers, our personal injury lawyers have been handling serious injury cases for decades. We’ll get to work immediately to find out what happened and protect your rights.

If you’re not feeling up to visiting our office, don’t worry. Our lawyers are happy to arrange a consultation that’s convenient for you–whether over the phone or even in the hospital. 

Time Limits for Filing a Claim

The New York statute of limitations for filing a third-party claim for your welding accident injuries is three years.

You only have 30 days to notify your employer that you were hurt on the job. The 30-day limit applies if you were hurt in an accident. Sometimes, welding causes occupational diseases and injuries that only occur over time. If your welding injuries took place over time, you have two years to file your injury claim for workers’ compensation benefits in New York City. 

What if the Welding Accident Was Partly My Fault?

You have the right to workers’ compensation even if the accident was partly your fault. Your benefits won’t be reduced or denied because of fault.

If you file a lawsuit against a third party, the New York contributory negligence law reduces your damages award by the percentage of fault that is assigned to you. That doesn’t mean you lose your right to sue. For example, if you were 50% to blame and a contractor was 50% to blame, you can still receive half of your fair damages award.

Don’t let the insurance companies intimidate you into dropping your claim or accepting a lowball offer. These types of blame-shifting techniques are common. Speak with an experienced personal injury lawyer who can defend your rights today.

Call to Schedule a 100% Free Consultation With An Experienced Construction Accident Lawyer in New York

You knew welding was dangerous when you got into the job. That doesn’t mean you give up the right to fair compensation when you’re hurt. An experienced NYC welding accident lawyer at Rosenbaum Personal Injury Lawyers can make sure you get the compensation that’s fair and fully accounts for all costs associated with your injuries.

To learn more about how we can help you get through this challenging time, call for a free consultation today. Our lawyers work on a contingency basis, so you don’t have to worry about any up-front costs while you recover.