In New York and elsewhere, the wintry weather has caused people to pull out their warmest coats and mittens. However, with the cold temperatures come snow and ice and the potential of slipping and falling when others fail to properly care for their sidewalks and buildings. During these times, it is important to know how to handle the possibility of a slip and fall.

To prevent from slipping and falling in the winter, individuals should dress in layered clothing, a thick coat and gloves. If an individual does fall, the extra clothing may reduce possible injuries. To prevent slipping on ice, individuals should ensure that they have appropriate foot wear. When venturing outdoors, individuals should not be distracted by their belongings and have their arms free and hands out of their pockets to maintain balance as they walk on potentially slippery sidewalks. All individuals should be aware of their environment and be cautious.

While it is important to take precautions to prevent slip and falls, slip and fall accidents often occur. When slip and falls occur on another person’s property, the injured may consider a premises liability suit against the owner of the property. In a premises liability suit, the injured, also known as the plaintiff, must provide evidence that the conditions of the property was created by the owner, the owner knew that the conditions were there yet failed to fix the condition or the condition of the property existed long enough for the owner to have observed and fixed the condition before the plaintiff slipped and fell in the incident leading to the suit.

The recent chilly temperatures have left many shivering in their puffy coats and winter clothing. However, the cold temperatures are not the only issue individuals should be aware of this winter; slip and falls may occur due to icy property and individuals should remain cautious of their surroundings.

Source: Times Union, “Give the slip to falls on ice,” Lynda Shrager, Jan. 18, 2013

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