Brooklyn Truck Accident Lawyer

Brooklyn Truck Accident Lawyer

Were you or a loved one hurt in a crash with a commercial truck, tractor-trailer, or 18-wheeler in Brooklyn? You may be entitled to significant compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more. An experienced Brooklyn truck accident lawyer at Rosenbaum & Rosenbaum, P.C. will fight to get the full and fair compensation you deserve.

Call today to schedule your free consultation and learn more about your legal rights.

How Will an Experienced Personal Injury Attorney Help if I Was Hurt in a Truck Accident?

How Will an Experienced Personal Injury Attorney Help if I Was Hurt in a Truck Accident?

Most large commercial trucks are owned by big trucking companies.

They’ll get their insurance companies and defense lawyers involved immediately after a crash. Unfortunately, truck accident victims should always expect a fight even if the truck driver caused the crash.

At Rosenbaum & Rosenbaum, P.C., our Brooklyn personal injury lawyers have over 40 years of experience helping clients with complex truck accident claims.

When you hire us, we put in the time, resources, and dedication necessary to win the full financial recovery you deserve.

When you choose Rosenbaum & Rosenbaum, P.C. to protect your interests, we will:

  • Investigate to find out what caused the crash
  • Gather all relevant evidence, including accident reports, safety records, video footage, trucking logs, maintenance records, witness statements, and more
  • Hire experts to back up your claim and provide evidence about what your injury case is worth
  • Fight common insurance company tactics, including situations where they try to blame you for the accident
  • Work closely with you and your family so that you understand your rights and options as your case proceeds

If you or a loved one were hurt in a truck accident, we understand that you might be struggling. Rosenbaum & Rosenbaum, P.C. isn’t the type of law firm that takes your case and forgets about you. Our lawyers will be here to answer your questions and keep you informed every step of the way.

We’ll also never push you to accept a settlement that isn’t fair. Our lawyers are experienced trial attorneys. We prepare every case for trial so that we’re ready if the insurance company refuses to agree to a fair settlement. 

To learn more about how we can put our demonstrated track record of success to work for you, don’t hesitate to call for a free consultation.

How Common Are Truck Accidents in Brooklyn?

In August 2020 alone, NYPD reports that 199 commercial truck accidents were reported in Brooklyn. In September 2020, that number rose to 206. About 43% of all large truck accidents occurred in urban settings.

Accidents involving large trucks that weigh over 10,000 pounds are often deadly. In 2017, the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that 4,761 people died in truck accidents across the U.S. 

In most cases, truck accident victims are occupants of non-commercial vehicles. For 2017, 72% of fatal truck accident victims were occupants of cars and other passenger vehicles. 10% were bicyclists and pedestrians. Occupants of a large truck are much more likely to die in a crash if the vehicle rolls over

Common Causes of Truck Accidents in Brooklyn

Common Causes of Truck Accidents in Brooklyn

Loaded tractor-trailers take significantly longer to stop than traditional passenger vehicles. NHTSA safety standards are designed to improve air brake systems and reduce stopping distance. Unfortunately, many truck accidents are ultimately caused by the fact that the vehicle simply cannot stop in time to prevent the crash.

Some of the factors that often lead to truck accidents include:

  • Distracted driving
  • Drifting from the travel lane
  • Speeding
  • Loss of vehicle control
  • Following too closely
  • Lack of experience driving a commercial truck
  • Failure to properly maintain the truck
  • Fatigued driving
  • Failure to follow trucking regulations 
  • Poor road conditions
  • Drunk driving or driving under the influence of drugs

Ultimately, more than one factor often comes into play in causing a truck accident. When a driver is tired, distracted, or inexperienced, it can be even more difficult to control a poorly maintained truck. 

Our lawyers will work to identify every factor that contributed to the cause of your crash.

Who is Responsible for Paying Damages if I Was Hurt in a Truck Accident?

Assigning responsibility can be particularly complex in truck accident cases. Typically, multiple companies and parties are involved. Once we’ve identified the cause of the accident, we can move on to determining who is responsible for paying damages.

Responsible parties may include:

  • The truck driver
  • The company that owns the truck
  • A truck leasing company
  • The company that loaded the cargo onto the truck
  • A company responsible for inspecting or maintaining the truck or tractor-trailer
  • The manufacturer of a defective vehicle component
  • A broker used to connect the trucking company with the cargo company, and can be responsible for tracking movement of the cargo

Our New York City lawyers put in the work needed to identify all liable parties to get the money you need now.

Tractor-Trailer Truck Accidents Can Cause Catastrophic Injury

Many truck accidents result in serious injury or even death for occupants of passenger vehicles involved in the crash. Tractor-trailers, semi-trucks, and 18-wheelers are massive, heavy vehicles. When they collide with a car, the occupants often suffer catastrophic injuries.

We have experience helping clients who have sustained:

Your injury could cost you in more ways than one. Medical bills could easily cost hundreds of thousands of dollars over your lifetime.

If you were hurt or lost a loved one in a truck accident, we’re here to help. We’ll work closely with your family to learn how the injury has changed your life.

That way, our team will be well-equipped to fight for the maximum compensation possible.

What if I’m Blamed For Causing the Truck Accident?

Expect the insurance company to try to blame anyone they can for the accident. These companies will go to great lengths to avoid paying fair compensation–and that includes blaming the victim.

Under New York’s contributory negligence law, every party who shares in the blame can be held responsible for paying damages. Even the injured party can be held responsible for their share of fault. 

If you’re partly responsible, you don’t lose your right to damages. You might walk away with a lower compensation award. The courts can reduce your overall award by the percentage of the blame assigned to you.

Our lawyers will do everything we can to protect you in these complex cases. We know what it takes to stand up for your rights, so call us today if you need legal advice.

How Much is My Truck Accident Case Worth?

It’s always difficult to assign a precise value in personal injury claims. The value of a claim can vary depending upon the nature and severity of the injuries. At Rosenbaum & Rosenbaum, P.C., our personal injury attorneys will work to make sure you get every dollar you deserve if you were hurt in an accident.

Your compensation award may include money for:

  • Medical bills
  • Future medical costs
  • Long-term care 
  • Rehabilitation
  • Physical therapy
  • Disfigurement and scarring
  • Lost wages
  • Lost future earning potential
  • Pain and suffering 
  • Emotional distress
  • PTSD
  • And more

There’s no doubt that the insurance company will try to diminish the value of your claim.

Our lawyers have faced off against some of the biggest insurance companies in the country–and won millions of dollars in compensation for our clients. With over four decades of experience fighting for accident victims’ rights, we know the types of evidence insurers take seriously.

We’ll put our experience and knowledge to work for you. We have relationships with experts in medicine, accident reconstruction, forensics, finance, and more. We’ll use those resources to strengthen your claim–making it much more difficult for the insurance company to challenge your rights.

New York Statute of Limitations

You only have a limited amount of time to act. The New York statute of limitations gives you three years to file a personal injury lawsuit for damages. If the accident was fatal, you only have two years to file an action for wrongful death.

Investigating a truck accident in NYC can take time. Our Brooklyn truck accident attorneys put in the time and hard work so that when we do file your injury case, it’s as strong as it can be. This approach gives us the best chance of maximizing your compensation award. 

Contact an Experienced Brooklyn Truck Accident Lawyer for a Free Consultation

If you or a loved one were injured in a truck crash, call an experienced Brooklyn truck accident lawyer for immediate assistance. It’s never too early to start building your case–in fact, the trucking company has probably already started building theirs.

At Rosenbaum & Rosenbaum, P.C., your initial consultation is free–so you have nothing to lose by learning more about your right to fair compensation.