Elmiron Injury Lawsuits

Blindness, maculopathy, and other eye disorders are linked to Elmiron, a medication typically prescribed to help treat painful bladder syndrome and other medical conditions. If you or a loved one have struggled with eye problems after taking Elmiron, you may have the right to file a lawsuit and demand compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, and suffering.
The experienced NYC mass tort lawyers at Rosenbaum Personal Injury Lawyers can help you fight to maximize the compensation you recover through an Elmiron injury lawsuit.
Contact our New York City law office to learn more about your legal rights and the potential options for financial recovery that might be available to you. We offer a free consultation, so there’s no risk in sitting down with our team to discuss the details of your case.
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How Can Rosenbaum Personal Injury Lawyers Help Me If I’ve Been Injured By Elmiron?
Elmiron is manufactured by Janssen Pharmaceuticals – a huge multinational corporation with incredibly deep pockets. When you file an Elmiron injury lawsuit, you’ll be going up against a heavily-financed pharmaceutical company that’s represented by teams of skilled attorneys. The odds will not be in your favor. However, there are steps you can take to level the playing field and even tip the scales in your favor. How? By hiring an experienced NYC personal injury lawyer to lead the fight for compensation on your behalf.
Collectively, the attorneys at Rosenbaum Personal Injury Lawyers have 40+ years of experience standing up and advocating on behalf of injured New Yorkers.
We’re known for taking on powerful adversaries – including insurance providers, hospitals, and pharmaceutical companies – and winning big for our clients.
Our law firm has successfully obtained tens of millions of dollars in life-changing settlements and awards for injury victims just like you.
We know what it takes to go up against corporations like Janssen Pharmaceuticals and win. We’re ready to invest the time, resources, and legal manpower that are necessary to help you walk away with the monetary award you deserve.
Give our law firm a call to arrange a time to discuss your Elmiron injury lawsuit in detail. Among other things, our attorneys can:
- Help you understand what legal options might be available to you
- Determine if there is an active MDL (Multidistrict Litigation) that your case would be a good fit for
- Gather evidence to support the claim that your injuries are a consequence of taking Elmiron
- Interview medical experts and injury specialists to compile proof that Emiron is a defective or dangerous drug, and that Janssen Pharmaceuticals should be strictly liable for your suffering
- Handle all negotiations and conversations with Janssen Pharmaceuticals and their insurance provider
Our attorneys are award-winning trial lawyers in New York City. We’re not afraid to reject lowball offers and take your case to court, if that’s what will be required to secure maximum compensation on your behalf.
Elmiron: Uses and Treatments

Elmiron – also known as Pentosan polysulfate sodium – is a pharmaceutical medication that first received FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approval in the early 1990s. It has many uses and is commonly prescribed as an anticoagulant medication or to treat osteoarthritis in horses and dogs.
However, the drug’s primary use is for the treatment of interstitial cystitis (IC) – also known as “painful bladder syndrome,” “bladder pain syndrome,” and “chronic pelvic pain” – a condition that affects between 4 and 12 million Americans.
Elmiron can relieve the symptoms of this condition in as little as three weeks. For some users, it can take up to nine months for the medication to provide relief. In order to alleviate painful bladder symptoms, it’s common for users to take Elmiron on a daily basis. Many users have been taking Elmiron every day for years, even decades.
Elmiron Linked to Serious Eye Problems
When you take medication to relieve painful bladder symptoms, the last thing you would probably expect is to experience difficulty seeing or have eye-related problems. However, that’s the reality for many Elmiron users. Long term use of Elmiron is linked to serious eye problems – including ocular toxicity, pigmentary maculopathy, and other types of maculopathy.
A multitude of scientific studies – including research from the American Academy of Ophthalmology – has shown a demonstrated link between Elmiron use and these serious eye injuries.
Research conducted between May 2018 and January 2020 found that taking high doses of Elmiron for an extended period of time is associated with:
- Pigmentary maculopathy – a type of macular degeneration where the layer of cells that nourish the retina become damaged and can result in vision loss. This particular type of degeneration is uniquely associated with Elmiron exposure
- Increased likelihood of suffering from ocular toxicity, retinal hemorrhage, retinal damage, scotoma, macular dystrophy, retinal disease, eye disease, and other eye injuries, and
- Partial and/or complete vision loss.

It’s estimated that one-quarter of all long-term Elmiron users could suffer from blindness as a result of taking the drug.
Janssen Pharmaceuticals denies that their money-making drug can cause vision problems, blindness, or painful eye conditions. However, research seems to indicate that Elmiron users are, in fact, at risk.
See a Doctor Immediately If You Experience Vision Problems While Taking Elmiron
Taking Elmiron is associated with a laundry list of health issues – including the possibility of vision loss and blindness. However, there is good news. These eye problems can typically be treated and reversed if caught in the early stages. Discontinuing Elmiron use and seeking the care of a medical specialist can help to improve the odds of returning your vision to normal.
However, even if you are able to reverse your Elmiron-related eye problems, that doesn’t mean that Janssen Pharmaceuticals should be allowed to walk away without consequence. They aggressively marketed you a defective drug that caused you significant pain and suffering. Under New York State law, they can be held accountable for that.
Liability For Selling and Marketing Defective Pharmaceutical Drugs in New York

Just because a drug like Elmiron is approved by the FDA doesn’t mean that it’s safe.
Rather, FDA approval just means that Janssen Pharmaceuticals was able to provide enough information and data to get through the FDA’s approval process and secure the agency’s seal of approval.
At the end of the day, however, it’s still up to the company to ensure that the drugs it sells are safe.
Under New York’s product liability laws, companies like Janssen Pharmaceuticals can be strictly liable for the products they design, manufacture, and sell in the state. If those products – like Elmiron – are defective or unreasonably dangerous, the company can be on the hook for resulting harm. Thousands of Elmiron users in New York and across the country have taken advantage of these types of laws. They’ve filed lawsuits, claiming that Janssen Pharmaceuticals :
- Failed to warn doctors and patients about the risks of eye injury while taking Elmiron (prior to 2020), and
- Intentionally misled the public about the dangers of taking Elmiron and concealed important data.
If you’ve suffered an injury while taking Elmiron, you may have the right to file an Elmiron injury lawsuit, too.
What is My Elmiron Injury Lawsuit Worth?
The value of your Elmiron injury lawsuit really depends on factors that are specific to your case. This includes:
- The type and severity of the injuries you’ve suffered
- The cost of present medical care
- The projected cost of future medical treatment
- How your injury has affected your life – including your ability to work and generate an income
- The emotional and psychological impact of this traumatic experience
- The degree of pain and suffering you’ve endured
Generally speaking, Elmiron injury victims will be entitled to seek compensation for all economic and non-economic damages, including medical expenses, lost wages, emotional distress, and more.
Elmiron Lawsuits Will Likely Be Consolidated in NJ MDL
Recent reports indicate that many Elmiron injury lawsuits will likely be consolidated in a Multidistirct litigation (MDL) proceeding in a New Jersey Federal Court. The location is ideal, given the proximity to Janssen Pharmaceutical’s business home and three major airports, making it easily accessible to plaintiffs across the United States. In an MDL, cases involving similar facts, evidence, and arguments are consolidated to be heard before one federal court judge. The parties can share resources, but each plaintiff reserves the right to have their day in court.
While it’s likely that an MDL will unfold in New Jersey, it’s important to note that Elmiron injury lawsuits have also been filed in other states, including Pennsylvania, Florida, and Alabama.
If you’ve suffered an Elmiron-related eye injury, you may be able to join the MDL when it is formed. The experienced NYC mass tort injury attorneys at Rosenbaum Personal Injury Lawyers can help you assess all of the legal options that might be available to you at this time.
Schedule a Free Elmiron Injury Lawsuit Evaluation With our NYC Medical Malpractice Lawyers at Rosenbaum Personal Injury Lawyers
Elmiron is linked to serious adverse health issues, including macular degeneration and blindness. If you’ve suffered eye injuries while taking Elmiron, contact Rosenbaum Personal Injury Lawyers to learn about your legal rights and options. Our Elmiron injury lawyers can help you file a lawsuit and fight to maximize your financial recovery. You’ll have a limited time to take action, so don’t hesitate to call our law office in New York City, NY today.