Repetitive Trauma Injury

Repetitive trauma injuries are the result of an accumulation of damage, generally amassed by repeating the same motions for hours at a time. As such, these injuries typically require expensive medical care and render you unable to work for extended periods.
Fortunately, New York workers’ compensation covers on-the-job injuries, including those caused by construction accidents and other workplace accidents. You can also pursue a third-party claim against anyone whose negligent or intentional actions caused you harm.
A New York City personal injury lawyer from Rosenbaum Personal Injury Lawyers can identify all your options for compensation for the damages caused by your repetitive trauma injury. Contact us today at (212) 514-5007 for a free consultation.
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How Rosenbaum Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help You Pursue Compensation for a Repetitive Trauma Injury in New York City, NY

Rosenbaum Personal Injury Lawyers has assisted injured people throughout New York, NY for decades. Our NYC personal injury attorneys have over 40 years of combined experience representing clients after various types of accidents and injuries.
We’re committed to providing the following if you suffer an injury on a construction site or at work:
- Legal advice about your rights and the compensation you can pursue under the law
- Preparation of your insurance claim
- Aggressive negotiation to settle your claim
- Litigation services to fight for compensation in court should the insurer refuse to settle
Repetitive trauma injuries can produce chronic pain that requires long-term treatment and therapy. Do not hesitate to contact Rosenbaum Personal Injury Lawyers in New York City, New York, for a free consultation to discuss your options for compensation.
How Many Repetitive Trauma Injuries Happen in New York?
New York does not provide statistics regarding all of the repetitive trauma injuries that the state sees, but you can infer the scope of the problem from two wider statistics:
The first is a study conducted by the Occupational Health Clinical Center at SUNY Upstate Medical University. It surveyed workers about their exposure to certain workplace hazards and revealed that nearly 4.2 million workers — roughly 41% of New York State’s workforce — spend more than half their time at work performing repetitive motions.
Second, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that 690 workers in New York State filed workers’ compensation claims in 2020 for repetitive trauma injuries involving microtasks. That number may seem low, but only 83,000 New York workers filed workers’ compensation claims that year. In other words, repetitive stress injuries represented about 0.8% of workers’ comp claims in that year alone.
Causes and Effects of Repetitive Trauma Injuries
Stress on your body causes the underlying tissues to develop microscopic injuries, which would heal under normal circumstances so long as they have enough time to rest.
When you repeat the trauma that initially caused those damages, though, your body never has enough time to repair the tissues before you injure them again. Instead, the damage accumulates, and the injuries propagate.
Some common injuries that can result from repeated trauma include the following:
Strains and Sprains
Strains happen when muscles or tendons tear.
When exposed to repeated stress, microscopic tears in your muscles and tendons can grow into strains, producing symptoms such as:
- Muscle pain
- Swelling
- Weakness and stiffness
- Muscle spasms
Sprains occur when you tear a ligament, which holds bones together at joints.
As with strains, sprains form when microscopic tears in your ligaments grow, and they cause symptoms like the following:
- Joint pain and inflammation
- Bruises
- Limited range of motion
Both strains and sprains will heal with time and rest, but your injuries will only worsen if you repeatedly stress your body.
Stress Fractures
Tiny cracks in your bones can develop into stress fractures, given repetitive trauma. These injuries produce pain, particularly during physical activity, and the site of the damage might also swell and feel tender to the touch.
As with sprains and strains, a fracture will heal when given time to rest. Your doctor may even immobilize your fracture with a cast or brace while you heal.
Carpal Tunnel
When repetitive trauma causes the transverse carpal ligament in your wrist to become inflamed, carpal tunnel forms.
The swollen tendon presses on the median nerve and irritates it, causing a range of symptoms in your hand, arm, and elbow, such as:
- Pain
- Weakness
- Numbness or tingling
These injuries can result from typing, assembly tasks, or even handling tools. As a result, anyone from secretaries to construction workers can suffer these injuries, and their symptoms worsen should they continue to use the injured wrist.
Hearing Loss
Repetitive trauma injuries can affect more than just your musculoskeletal system. Repeated exposure to loud noises, for instance, can damage the tiny hairs that aid in your ability to hear. Unfortunately, such a particular form of repetitive trauma might not heal. At some point, the hearing loss will become irreversible.
Liability For Repetitive Trauma Injuries
You may be entitled to worker’s compensation benefits if you suffer an injury due to repeated stresses in the workplace or on a construction site. You might also be entitled to file a third-party claim against a party other than your employer, such as if your repetitive trauma injury is the result of a defective product.
Schedule a Free Consultation With Our New York City Workplace Injury Lawyers To Discuss Your Repetitive Trauma Injury
Workplace injuries often require time away from work to heal, during which you could lose significant income. Contact Rosenbaum Personal Injury Lawyers today at (212) 514-5007 to discuss your repetitive trauma injury and the compensation you can seek for it in New York.