Bronx Product Liability Lawyer

Bronx Product Liability Lawyer

Were you hurt because of a defective product in the Bronx, NY? The product manufacturer may be responsible for your medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. An experienced Bronx product liability lawyer at Rosenbaum Personal Injury Lawyers can help you recover the maximum possible compensation. 

Our team has been providing top-level legal services to clients in the Bronx for more than 40 years. In that time, we’ve helped countless clients and recovered millions in compensation.

To learn more about your legal options, all you have to do is contact our law offices in the Bronx, New York, for a free consultation.

How Rosenbaum Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help with a Product Liability Claim in the Bronx, NY

How Rosenbaum Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help with a Product Liability Claim in the Bronx, NY

To recover compensation in a product liability case, you’ll usually have to prove that the product in question was defective. Sometimes a defect is obvious. In most cases, you’ll need to do some digging to find out what happened.

When you’re going up against a huge corporation, an experienced Bronx personal injury lawyer can make all the difference in the world. At Rosenbaum Personal Injury Lawyers, we have more than four decades of experience. 

When you turn to our lawyers for help, we will:

  • Make sure the insurance company takes your injury case seriously
  • Conduct an exhaustive investigation to identify the defect that caused your injury
  • Fight back when the insurance company tries to use scare tactics to minimize the value of your claim
  • Work with experts who can offer guidance about what your case is worth

Our lawyers have been negotiating deals with insurance companies across New York City for decades. We know the best strategies to convince them to play fair. When you hire our Bronx personal injury attorneys, you can rest assured that we’ll do everything we can to maximize your compensation award.

Ready to learn more about getting the fair compensation you deserve? Call today for a free case evaluation. We represent clients across Bronx County and NYC.

What is My Bronx Product Liability Case Worth?

The amount of compensation paid to Bronx personal injury victims depends on a variety of factors. 

Insurance companies and judges tend to consider the following factors when deciding what your injury case is worth:

  • The cost of your medical treatment and rehabilitation
  • The amount of time you miss from work
  • Whether you’ll return to work in the same capacity
  • Whether you’ve suffered a permanent disability
  • The impact the injury had on your quality of life
  • Your emotional pain and suffering

The insurance company will have a strong opinion about what your case is worth. The product manufacturer’s defense attorneys might also try to pressure you into accepting a lowball settlement. You don’t have to settle for less than you deserve.

At Rosenbaum Personal Injury Lawyers, we’ve been handling cases like yours for decades. We have the resources to hire experts and specialists to assess the value of your case. We also know how to spot a lowball offer when we see one.

What Types of Damages Are Available to Victims in Product Liability Cases?

At Rosenbaum Personal Injury Lawyers, we’ll fight to recover the full range of damages available in your case. Victims of defective products are entitled to reimbursement for their economic damages

Those out-of-pocket costs might include:

  • Medical bills
  • Lost wages
  • Future medical bills
  • Lost future earning capacity
  • Physical therapy
  • Rehabilitative care
  • Long-term care

We’ll also demand fair compensation for your more intangible, subjective losses–which are called non-economic damages. 

Non-economic damages provide compensation for:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Mental anguish
  • Diminished quality of life
  • Disfigurement
  • Scarring
  • PTSD
  • Loss of consortium

Our attorneys also represent families who have lost a loved one because of a dangerous product. If you lost a loved one, we can fight for compensation to account for the loss of your loved one’s company, financial support, and more.

Can I Recover Damages If I’m Being Blamed for Injuries Caused by a Dangerous Product in New York?

It’s not uncommon for companies to try to blame the victim for their injuries–especially if your product liability case is based on negligence. The insurance company might argue that you were using the product incorrectly. They might even try to prove that you altered the product in some way to make it more dangerous.

You don’t have to take these allegations lying down. New York follows a pure contributory negligence law. Victims can recover compensation even if they were partly to blame. However, your award can be reduced in proportion to your share of fault.

Our lawyers can help you understand New York’s contributory fault rules. Call our law offices today to learn more about our case results and practice areas.

We’ll Fight to Recover Compensation for All of Your Injuries Caused by Defective Products

Injuries caused by unsafe products can range from minor bumps and bruises to catastrophic injuries. 

Our Bronx product liability attorneys will fight to recover fair compensation for the full range of your injuries, which might include:

  • Burns
  • Eye injuries
  • Facial injuries
  • Broken bones
  • Soft tissue damage
  • Brain injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Head injuries
  • Concussions
  • Back and neck injuries
  • Loss of limbs
  • Paralysis
  • Catastrophic injuries
  • Wrongful death of a loved one

A serious injury can derail your life in ways you might not yet understand. If a corporation cut corners and you were hurt, you deserve to be compensated. Give our law firm a call today to learn more about how we can help.

We Handle All Types of Product Liability Claims in New York

Products can turn out to be dangerous when companies responsible for those products make a mistake. Defective products exist in every market imaginable. 

At Rosenbaum Personal Injury Lawyers, we handle all types of product liability cases, including those involving: 

  • Prescription drugs
  • Medical devices
  • Car seats
  • Children’s toys
  • Household appliances
  • Construction equipment
  • Batteries
  • Carbon monoxide detectors or smoke alarms
  • Motor vehicle components
  • Airbags, seatbelts, and other safety equipment
  • Tools
  • Electronics
  • Machinery and equipment
  • Household chemicals
  • And more

You shouldn’t have to worry that the toys you buy for your child or the airbags meant to protect you in a car accident are dangerous. That’s up to the company that makes a profit from your purchase. If the manufacturer fails in that duty and you’re hurt, we’re here to hold them accountable.

How Do I Prove Negligence in a New York Product Liability Case? 

Victims in product liability cases don’t always have to prove that someone else was negligent. Product manufacturers can be held strictly liable for defective products under New York product liability laws. 

There are three main types of product defects: design defects, manufacturing defects, and marketing defects.

Design Defects

A design defect is a flaw in the product’s design. In other words, the product’s design makes the item unreasonably dangerous. 

To prove liability in a design flaw case, you’ll have to prove:

  • The product was unreasonably dangerous as designed
  • There was an alternative product design that would have been safer
  • The alternative design was reasonable to implement from a cost standpoint

Product manufacturers that know a product is inherently dangerous by design have a duty to search for safer ways to make the product. If they fail to do so, you may be entitled to damages if you’re hurt.

Manufacturing Defects

Manufacturing defects happen when a mistake is made during the assembly process. For example, assume the company orders the wrong size screw or the wrong type of plastic. The batch of products that’s made with incorrect materials can be defective even if there’s nothing wrong with the design.

Marketing Defects

A marketing defect is also known as a failure to warn. There are risks associated with using most consumer products. Manufacturers can’t eliminate all of those risks. Instead, the company has a duty to warn consumers about those risks and offer instructions about how to use the product safely.

Breach of Warranty

When you buy a product from a retailer or manufacturer, you have the right to assume the product is safe for its intended use. 

In fact, when companies put products on the market, they offer an implied promise that:

  • The product is free from design, manufacturing, and marketing defects
  • The product will work as advertised if used properly

Breach of warranty is another legal theory that can be used to hold responsible parties liable for defective products. 

How Long Do I Have to File a Product Liability Lawsuit in New York?

You only have a limited amount of time to act if you were injured because of a dangerous product. Under New York law, the statute of limitations in personal injury cases is three years. 

That means you have to file a personal injury lawsuit within three years of the day you were hurt.

Contact a Bronx Product Liability Lawyer for a Free Consultation

With over 40 years of experience, our lawyers at Rosenbaum Personal Injury Lawyers know how to fight to win the compensation you deserve. If you need help recovering damages from the maker of a defective product, call a trusted Bronx product liability lawyer for a free consultation today.