Making driving errors, like failing to signal when turning or speeding, can result in much more serious consequences than getting a ticket for the traffic violation. These and other types of negligent acts of a driver may lead to car accidents that cause injuries, or even death, of another person. Recently a New York man’s failure to observe a traffic sign led to serious injuries of four individuals.

In New York, an elderly man driving a motor vehicle failed to stop at a stop sign, which caused the driver to crash into another vehicle. The force of the crash caused the other car to enter into the opposite lane where it was hit by a third vehicle. A boy under the age of 10 suffered serious head injuries in the crash and was taken to a hospital. His mother and the drivers of the other two vehicles were also taken to a hospital and were treated for their injuries.

When a driver fails to use reasonable care under the circumstances when operating a motor vehicle, the person is considered negligent if an accident results. If the driver harms another when the driver fails to use reasonable care, the injured or their family members may consider filing a negligence claim against the driver. In determining whether the driver was negligent, courts may consider factors such as whether the driver observed traffic signs, was speeding and using signals when turning.

Every day Americans are involved in car accidents that often result in injury. It is important for those injured in accidents due to the negligence of another driver to realize they have legal rights. An experienced car accident attorney can often help protect those rights in the event of an accident.

Source: My Fox NY, “Boy, 3 adults injured in crash on central NY road,” Feb. 14, 2013

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New York, NY 10005
(212) 514-5007