Although the streets of New York City are busy, people expect that they can safely walk to their destinations. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case for a 59-year-old Brooklyn man who was killed on his way to work this morning.

According to reports, the man was attempting to cross Borinquen Place when he was hit by two different vehicles around 6 a.m. The impact of the fatal accident was enough to knock his shoes off his feet.

The victim was apparently planning to meet a friend for the walk to work. When the man didn’t show up, the friend called the victims family.

The drivers of the vehicles that hit the man stayed at the scene of the accident. Police say criminal charges will not be filed.

The victim was an immigrant who came to the United States from the Dominican Republic almost three decades ago. He had a 15-year-old son. Family members called him a hard working, wonderful man.

Although criminal charges will not be filed, the family of the victim may have cause for a wrongful death lawsuit. If it is determined that one or both of the drivers was negligent, the family may be eligible for compensation.

While no amount of money can make up for the tragic loss of life, it may help ease any financial burdens. The compensation can be used to pay for funeral expenses or to make up for the victim’s lost wages. In a case like this, the family of the victim may find it beneficial to seek legal representation.

Source: New York Daily News, “Traffic accident kills Leopoldo Hernandez of Brooklyn as he tries to cross street,” Barry Paddock and Christina Boyle, Jan. 11, 2012

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