Craig Rosenbaum | December 3, 2020 | Motorcycle Accidents
Motorcycles can be an exciting and unique mode of transportation, but they are also one of the most dangerous methods of travel. Without airbags, seatbelts, or any bodily protection beyond motorcycle gear, riders are more at risk of sustaining severe injuries in the case of a collision.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), studies show that motorcyclists are about 28 times more likely to die in a motor vehicle accident than passenger car occupants. If you are injured in a motorcycle accident, it is essential to know steps you can take to ensure your well-being and understand the statute of limitations surrounding any claims.
How to Ride a Motorcycle Safely and Reduce the Risk of a Crash
Even the most experienced riders can encounter hazards on the road that increase their risk of injuries. A few of these dangers include objects on the road, distracted drivers, and drivers under the influence.
Additionally, motorcyclists who speed or go slower than the flow of traffic are more likely to experience a collision. While they are less likely to occur with proper maintenance of your bike, mechanical issues can still happen and may even qualify for a product liability claim.
Practicing safe riding and following the rules of the road is one of several ways to be safe while on a motorcycle. Investing in high-quality protective gear such as a tear-resistant jacket, pants, gloves, and even body armor will best protect you if thrown from the bike.
While not every state requires motorcyclists to wear a helmet, it is always safest to wear one regardless of how long the trip will be or what kind of traffic you might encounter.
What to Do After a Motorcycle Accident
The precautions you take after an accident can be critical in ensuring your physical well-being and the likelihood of obtaining financial compensation from the driver at fault.
Seek Safety
Immediately following an accident, first assess the scene to ensure everyone’s safety. Dial 911 if there are any injuries. While it is not wise to move anyone who may be badly injured, do your best to relocate all those involved to a safe location away from the road.
Do Not Remove Protective Gear
Adrenaline and shock can prevent someone from feeling pain right away. Therefore, it is safest to keep your protective gear on until paramedics arrive. Removing your helmet or attempting to take off a jacket can result in exacerbated injuries.
Dial 911
If you have not already called 911 due to injuries, contact emergency services to provide support as you assess the scene of the accident and take information from those involved. Filing a police report may benefit any claims made following the accident.
Collect Evidence
Take photos, write down the details of the accident, and be sure to gather the insurance and contact information of anyone involved, including witnesses. Always obtain a copy of the police report.
Consult With a Medical Professional
Make an appointment with your physician to assess any potential injuries that appear after the accident, such as concussion symptoms and any unusual bruising. Injuries may not appear at the scene of the collision, so it is essential to follow up in the weeks and even months of the accident.
And, of course, make calling an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer near you a priority.
Why Hire an Attorney After a Motorcycle Wreck
Speaking to a reputable lawyer shortly after the accident can ensure an efficient and thorough claims process. An attorney can assist with insurance settlements and speak on your behalf to the extent of the accident’s impact. Additionally, if the collision was not your fault, you may be entitled to further compensation.
Even if you have insurance, contacting your attorney can significantly benefit the outcome of your accident. If you sustain injuries, there is a statute of limitations that indicates the time in which you have to file a claim. Work with a personal injury lawyer will help make sure that you file in time and with the proficiency required for a successful claim.
Contact Our Personal Injury Law Firm in New York City
If you’ve been injured in an accident in Manhattan, NY, and need legal help, contact our New York City personal injury lawyers at Rosenbaum Personal Injury Lawyers to schedule a free consultation.
Rosenbaum Personal Injury Lawyers
100 Wall St 24th Floor
New York, NY 10005
(212) 514-5007