Craig Rosenbaum | December 8, 2017 | Workplace Injuries
The full-time work schedule is one most Americans are familiar with; whether an employee loves or despises the job, it puts food on the table. But what if that job compromises more than a good night’s sleep, or a night out on the town? Millions of the nation’s workers put their lives on the line daily so they can make a living. It is hard to believe for many, but simply the environments in which these workers are surrounded pose an immediate threat to safety. Like any state, New York sees a prominent number of work-related injuries, and some industries are much more dangerous than others.
TIME released an article last year that covered the nation’s most dangerous jobs, quickly identifying logging as having some of the highest numbers of deaths out of all risky occupations. What are other high-ranking dangerous jobs? According to a study used in TIME’s article ranging from 1992 to 2014, the following are other industries that see an alarmingly high number of workplace injuries and deaths:
- Truck driving
- Construction
- Farming
- Police officers
- Fishers and fishing workers
There are many factors at play within each of these industries, but TIME adds that those in rural locations are more dangerous simply because of their distance from accessible hospitals. Logging jobs also pose risks due to falling logs and uneven terrain.
When it comes to New York specifically, the Bureau of Labor Statistics shares that the state saw 74 total work-related deaths in 2015 alone. While this number may be daunting, the BLS notes that it is a decrease from the number of deaths the previous year. And although potentially unsafe occupations are often apparent, anyone can slip and fall during a shift–such mishaps accounted for 24 of those fatal work injuries. Collision and contact with equipment was also to blame for a high number of fatalities. One can never be too careful in any environment, but certain occupations come with clear risks.
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New York, NY 10005
(212) 514-5007